Sexy Beet-It Smoothies!

So, I finally gave in to a bit of beetroot.

To be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of the root vegetable. It is messy to work with, every little stain stays forever! I don’t like eating it on its own and a great way to have more of this is to include it in my smoothies.

But after testing a variety of ingredients in this smoothie, the flavour and the colour of this little down-to-earth root veggie is amazing is to work with and is worth every little bit of hassle! Plus, it is very wholesome and really good for you!

I do think you need to add in something extra to give it a bit of flavour and sweetness. I like pairing it with berries, and a dash of honey for a bit of sweetness. Deliciously sweet, beautiful to look at, and great as a substitute in place of caffeine in the morning.

Ingredients: (for two to share or one large smoothie for yourself!)

1 beetroot

5 strawberries (stem removed)

A handful of blueberries

A cup of semi-skimmed or skimmed milk (you can also replace apple or orange juice with this)

A dollop of honey

A dash of lemon juice

Put it all in the blender and watch the smoothie turn into a bright magenta pink, quite pretty! Enjoy!


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